Biography steve jobs recensie van

Steve jobs book publisher

I just finished reading the biography of Steve Jobs, and I was blown away by his incredible story.

biography steve jobs recensie van

Steve jobs' death

Overall, Walter Isaacson’s “Steve Jobs” proves an interesting and well-balanced review of the life of one of the greatest (and most inscrutable) entrepreneurs of this generation.

Steve jobs autobiography book name

Autorul prezintă întregul trecut tumultos (fiindcă da, aceasta este adevărul) al lui Steve Jobs, un om obsedat (la propriu) de design și care a pus mare accent pe intersecția .
Best steve jobs book
I've never been an Apple obsessive (I've only owned a couple of iPods), and for the longest time I was iffy about Jobs himself (always thought he was self-absorbed dick), but I'd heard a lot of .